every PAN applicant
has to submit self- attested copies of Proof of Address (POA) and Date
of Birth (DOB) documents and also produce orginal documents of such POI/
POA/ DOB documents for verification at the counter of PAN facilitation
centers. List of documents of POI/ POA/ DOB is given in the Instructions
part of Form 49A/ 49AA.
Read more at: http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/tax/check-out-procedure-for-pan-allotment_1046362.html?utm_source=ref_article
Every PAN applicant
has to submit self- attested copies ofRead more at: http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/tax/check-out-procedure-for-pan-allotment_1046362.html?utm_source=ref_article
a). Proof of Address (POA) and
b). Date of Birth (DOB) documents
Produce orginal documents of such POI/ POA/ DOB documents for verification at the counter of the facilitation centers. List of documents of POI/ POA/ DOB is given in the Instructions part of Form 49A/ 49AA.
Happy Investing