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Friday, January 16, 2015

The Year Ahead...

The peospects for the Indian Mutual Fund industry cannot be different from that of the Equity and Debt markets in which it opeartes.

India is poised for falling inlfation, gold prices and growing GDP is what experts say . that means, we have a golden era unfolding.

According to Nomura, Japan , Indian economy is set for a 'goldilocks' period -- used to describe a timeframe of high growth and low inflation  while it can become Asia's fastest growing economy in 2016.

The IFRS is aleady speeding up and GST around the corner. GST  would go a long way in making India one single market. The GAAR is a contentious issue among corporates operating globally, which may get resolved with the single party government at the centre..

Rate cuts already underway along with falling crude oil prices leading to price fall domestically.

Sectors like BFSI, Real estate, Auto and Infrastructure stands to gain out of this .

Bond funds will see immediate gains with increasing NAVs.

Happy Investing